• Suffering ceases to be suffering the moment it finds meaning, such as the meaning of sacrifice.

    Viktor Frankl

Book Cover of 'Hey White Boy, Conversations of Redemption' by author Sonny Von Cleveland

In Hey, White Boy, Sonny shares his remarkable transformation from victimhood to self-actualization and redemption. Guided by his mentor's wisdom, he confronts his painful past, finds the strength to forgive those who wronged him and takes responsibility for his actions. With unwavering determination, Sonny rebuilds himself, ultimately emerging as a powerful motivational speaker.


This memoir is a testament to the power of resilience, the importance of letting go, and the capacity for personal growth. Hey, White Boy invites readers to reflect on their own experiences, inspiring them to rise above the shadows of their past and embrace a future filled with hope and self-discovery."

Hey White Boy, Conversations of Redemption

Hey, White Boy, Conversations of Redemption is a profoundly authentic and moving memoir that delves into the transformative journey of Sonny Von Cleveland. Raised in a small town in Michigan, Sonny's childhood was marred by unimaginable trauma. From the age of five, until he was ten, he endured the horrors of sexual molestation by multiple men, which shattered his innocence and left him grappling with profound emotional scars.


Unable to cope with the devastating aftermath of the abuse, Sonny's once gregarious and outgoing nature gave way to anger and rebellion. By the tender age of seven, he found himself entangled in a web of criminal activities, facing his first felony charge. This downward spiral continued, leading him to prison at sixteen and again at twenty-one, resulting in eighteen years behind bars.


However, amidst the darkness of his incarceration, Sonny's path took an unexpected turn. During 19 months in solitary confinement, he encountered a fellow inmate—a wise and compassionate Muslim man—who would become his mentor. Through their profound conversations and teachings, Sonny embarked on a journey of self-examination, forgiveness, and personal accountability.